Tag: wildcards

41 does %* in batch file mean all command line arguments? 2010-06-07T21:41:11.690

37 Is there any way to get the windows cmd shell to expand wildcard paths? 2012-08-12T06:29:47.553

24 DEL *1.* deletes all files in folder 2011-12-21T16:45:03.993

18 Using wildcard search/replace in Notepad++ 2013-08-27T22:50:27.450

18 Is it possible to print out the shell expansion? 2015-01-06T00:51:26.997

17 Exclude directories from Windows Search by wildcard 2011-01-20T20:16:00.513

15 Trouble trying to use Windows Search to search for file with a question mark in the content 2010-07-28T03:54:55.543

15 How to search Outlook Exchange Global Address List with Wildcards? 2013-09-08T11:14:16.573

12 Launch a shortcut using batch file 2013-02-15T17:08:22.307

10 Wildcards in Word 2009-12-22T05:49:04.653

10 How to use wildcards in a xargs-command? 2012-12-13T19:28:09.463

10 Search for a file with wildcards in the path using Windows command line 2012-12-26T16:53:11.570

9 `locate` wildcard strange behavior - why? 2013-06-29T10:31:26.927

8 Firefox: save username/password for all sub domains? 2009-11-09T17:45:07.827

8 Start a program based on a wildcard in a Batch Script 2011-03-30T14:16:23.530

8 Wildcards in uBlock websites not working 2015-08-25T13:33:11.753

6 Can Outlook Search use Regular Expressions (or wild cards)? 2011-01-23T16:21:30.843

6 KeePass wildcard in url 2013-04-19T09:24:49.230

6 Microsoft Office Word 2010: How to "Find and Replace" an entire line using "regular expressions" (wildcards)? 2013-06-06T17:09:07.687

6 Windows wildcards with files having more than 3 characters extensions 2014-10-13T14:22:59.787

5 How do use wildcards in command prompt? 2009-10-18T11:48:58.400

5 How to prevent command line wildcard processor from evaluating short file names 2010-08-23T14:20:37.170

5 How do I delete all files within subdirectories matching a given wildcard in Windows? 2010-10-05T18:09:29.220

5 Ignore types of files when you tab from the command line 2011-03-04T04:24:11.780

5 Wildcards in Windows 8 search 2013-05-31T09:53:52.700

5 Do not expand wildcard on tab completion 2014-08-18T16:15:43.303

5 Using a wildcard in a condition to match the beginning of a string 2016-03-22T22:08:49.480

4 Is there a windows app with a preview function to recursively delete by wildcard? 2011-03-22T16:27:43.703

4 Wildcard for Chrome search? 2011-09-25T14:29:30.430

4 How can I do find and replace parenthesis surrounded text with regex on Microsoft Word 2015-03-16T17:27:44.560

4 Microsoft Word Wildcards to Find Any Dates of a certain form 2015-05-08T00:37:13.337

4 How to specify a space as part of a wildcard string for bulk renaming of files 2016-02-28T06:36:34.233

3 How can I use *.* in the Windows 7 search filter? 2011-01-16T02:35:05.650

3 zsh autocomplete wildcard across the network 2011-01-19T21:44:46.787

3 WinSCP putting multiple files on SFTP site 2011-09-22T21:20:10.483

3 How do I replace all WOrds with FAlse SEcond LEtter Capitalization in lots of Word documents? 2011-12-21T23:59:36.170

3 DD-WRT routers - How can I specify any/all IP address ranges? 2013-03-23T00:04:23.627

3 Windows-7 search for contents does not work with wildcards 2013-05-17T19:41:09.410

3 Firefox bookmark with wildcard and keyword 2013-10-17T10:15:17.487

3 bash is not deterministicly processing the asterisk wildcard 2014-02-04T18:40:21.617

3 lftp - mirror and wildcards 2014-03-05T20:47:09.327

3 Can bash wildcards specify negative matches? 2014-07-18T06:44:35.243

3 Sed replace between 2 strings with special character 2014-12-02T15:51:04.467

3 cmd has wildcard bug? 2015-05-27T18:55:14.460

3 Word 2010 wildcard search - Find text in format ABC.DEF.XYZ 2015-09-14T15:57:04.643

3 Making microsoft word replace work with wildcards? 2016-10-05T16:59:01.770

3 'find' utility does not output all files when using wildcards 2017-06-09T20:03:49.587

3 Searching for strings with hyperlinks in Outlook 2016 2017-08-18T10:41:46.683

2 How to combine wildcards and spaces (quotes) in an Windows command? 2010-06-02T10:14:07.643

2 Group Policies with wildcards 2010-07-14T06:23:07.257

2 How to work around shell limitation of 'Argument list too long'? 2011-02-01T00:48:13.813

2 MS Word 2010 Find/Replace Wildcards 2011-07-06T21:53:44.877

2 "Argument list too long" error for `rm -rf *` on a directory with 4000 files 2012-02-20T02:44:04.167

2 icacls batch file multiple directories with wildcards help needed 2012-08-21T00:37:27.697

2 Word find/replace: add space to postal code with wildcards 2013-12-04T15:41:37.777

2 Replacing superflous paragraph breaks with space using Word wildcards 2013-12-19T15:01:04.060

2 Word 2007 - Use of wildcards in fields 2014-03-27T06:30:43.073

2 Word wildcards/regex search from the begining of line till the first : 2015-02-11T15:04:06.350

2 Find text and replace paragraph as a style 2015-03-26T20:00:06.733

2 ProFTPd overwrite directory setting when globbing 2015-07-19T17:58:26.270

2 How to use wildcards to find the years between 1900 and now 2015-08-20T22:02:45.223

2 Batch file to delete files from wildcard folder 2015-12-10T07:00:36.833

2 How to install every printer (with wildcard) from PrintServer 2016-05-18T12:59:50.877

2 bash find list of archived files with wildcard in while loop 2016-06-29T07:51:50.110

2 microsoft word case insensitive find and replace with wildcards 2017-01-09T15:44:04.017

2 PowerShell: How do I append a prefix to all files in a directory? 2017-05-07T22:48:08.117

2 WildCards corrupts Copy`s output file when an output name is specified 2017-06-12T04:20:26.407

2 Is there a variable that represents a script's file name (excluding extensions)? 2017-07-27T10:41:57.107

2 Is there a stand-alone* wildcard for the user documents folder? 2017-12-24T02:51:51.943

2 How to select a range from '[' to ':' and replace? 2018-03-19T23:40:21.513

2 Move folders using wildcard 2018-03-27T10:21:15.840

2 MS Word - add a character after bold 2018-04-25T07:18:18.287

2 Subinacl file/folder permissions and wildcards in Windows 2018-06-01T23:57:19.423

2 What are all of the globs I can use with grep in bash? 2018-09-18T22:03:49.540

2 Microsoft Word: find all words with two 'm's using wildcard 2019-03-12T06:51:24.373

1 Wildcard search in Mail.app 2009-10-26T21:13:34.870

1 Set NTFS file permission for Wild Card [like *.doc] 2010-05-31T06:47:18.530

1 Microsoft Work Wildcard find all phrases that match 2010-09-09T02:58:30.893

1 Windows Search (Windows Desktop Search) wildcards do not work 2010-10-21T09:55:43.383

1 Replacing wildcard characters like ? in Excel 2011-07-12T14:50:58.080

1 Find/Replace Paragraph End (^13) in Microsoft Word 2007 Merges Paragraphs 2011-08-07T06:43:01.893

1 Why do wildcards behave differently for different drives? 2011-09-08T22:08:21.120

1 How to create a fourth level wildcard subdomain DNS record ? 2011-09-12T18:28:39.393

1 Use of wildcards to replace 2011-09-22T14:50:29.633

1 Excluding preceding characters from a "Find" 2012-08-20T23:55:07.297

1 Word/VBA Find..Replace with wildcards and escape </> 2013-06-23T20:48:43.553

1 Script to Find Certain words and delete those lines in a file 2014-08-16T21:04:07.320

1 How to delete a file with a bad file name? 2014-09-01T19:00:56.510

1 Regular expression/Wildcard find replace to change date format( 9/7 --> September 7th) in Word 2014-11-07T22:06:47.667

1 Batch Move using wildcard in filename is getting files that do not match parameters: 2014-11-17T22:57:40.500

1 Is there any reason Word 2013's Find/Replace (using wildcards) would replace things out of order? 2015-01-10T23:26:00.687

1 Using wildcard in notepad++ to replace a very specific range of entries/values 2015-07-06T13:52:15.227

1 Is it possible to remove certain files types from certain folders using wild cards. within a command prompt / batch file 2015-08-20T12:25:13.357

1 Windows CMD: "dir *.cpp" wildcard matches "main.cpp_" and "main.cpp2" 2015-09-10T12:25:51.907

1 Using wildcard in unix find command's path 2016-02-09T15:23:58.010

1 exclude specific strings of words using wildcards 2016-03-23T10:14:40.110

1 Replace "bla": "*" to "bla": * with wildcards Word 2016 2016-03-26T14:23:23.413

1 How to wild-card search/replace in a Specific Area of code in Notepad++ 2016-05-23T08:57:19.177

1 How to search in Word for spaces that are on the beginning of a new line 2016-10-18T07:45:05.323