I have tried to install Ubuntu and am stuck with two EFI partitions. Is it safe to delete one?


I have recently tried to install Ubuntu on my Lenovo Windows laptop, a task which I have now failed for the 3rd time (on two computers). However, after being prompted to partition my data drive (HDD, D:\), as expected, a new partition was created.

However, after inspecting the partitions in disk management, a second EFI partition seems to have been created on the HDD as well. At least, that's what I imagine, since I don't see why Windows 10 would need two EFI partitions.

This EFI partition is sandwiched between my data and Ubuntu partitions, which makes merging the partitions (or, extending one, the other has no valuable data) without creating a "dynamic volume" (I don't remember the exact term) impossible.

The questions I would like to ask now is this:

  1. Is it safe to remove this partition?
  2. If yes, how?
  3. If more information is needed, is it possible to inspect the EFI partition?

For clarification:
I have two disks, 2XXGB SSD, 9XXGB HDD. Windows (seems to be) is installed on the SSD.


Posted 2019-07-28T21:47:15.487

Reputation: 223

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