npm -v command is not returning the version of npm on Windows 8.1 cmd


  • I have installed the latest version of node.js with inbuilt npm in my Windows 8.1 operating system using .msi
  • I am getting the version "v10.15.3" from command node -v.
  • But when I type the command npm -v, the batch is started and it is not giving me the version.  The cursor is staying same place:
    C:directory> node -v
    C:directory> npm -v
  • When I interrupt the batch using Ctrl+C, it shows the message "Terminate batch job (Y/N)?"
  • I have installed lower version of node too, but same issue is occurring.

Please let me know from where I was wrong or please provide the solution for this.

Vikram Varshney

Posted 2019-06-18T11:30:48.650

Reputation: 1

Question was closed 2019-06-19T05:10:59.610

Duplicate of npm -v is not returning the version of npm on Windows 8.1 (exact same question, by the same user, using a different account).

– Scott – 2019-06-19T03:29:47.510

Welcome to Super User.  It would appear that you have accidentally created two accounts.  This will interfere with commenting, editing your own posts, and accepting an answer.  You should use the contact form and select “I need to merge user profiles” to have your accounts merged.  In order to merge them, you will need to provide links to the two accounts.  For your information, they are and post the same question multiple times.

– Scott – 2019-06-19T03:30:07.720

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