Teradata odbc configuration on Linux


I have installed ttu 16.20 on amazon linux and trying to configure it now for application access.

I have the below odbc.ini,

bash-4.2# cat /opt/teradata/client/16.20/odbc_64/odbc.ini [ODBC]

For Data Direct to load its error messages

Data Direct Driver Manager looks for the messages here:


InstallDir=/opt/teradata/client/16.20/odbc_64 Trace=no

[ODBC Data Sources] TeraDataDev=Teradata Dev

[TeraDataDev] Driver=/opt/teradata/client/16.20/odbc_64/lib/tdataodbc_sb64.so InstallDir=/opt/teradata/client/16.20/odbc_64 TraceDll=/opt/teradata/client/16.20/lib64/odbctrac.so Description=Teradata_dev DBCName=XXXXX Username=$USER Password= Database=XXXXX DefaultDatabase=$USER bash-4.2#

and I have set the below path,

bash-4.2# echo $ODBCINI /opt/teradata/client/16.20/odbc_64/odbc.ini bash-4.2#

When I try to connect to the datasource it throws below error,

bash-4.2# /opt/teradata/client/16.20/bin/tdxodbc64

Enter Data Source Name: XXXXX Enter UserID: $USER Enter Password:

Connecting with SQLConnect(DSN=ngmtdd01,UID=xdu854,PWD=*)...

adhoc: (SQL Diagnostics) STATE=IM002, CODE=0, MSG=[DataDirect][ODBC lib] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

ODBC connection closed. bash-4.2#

Please advice if I am missing something here ?

Karthikeyan Janakiraman

Posted 2019-06-06T16:17:54.653

Reputation: 23



In ODBC, the data source name is not necessarily the same as the "DBC name" (a.k.a. TDPID) of the Teradata server. Your configuration says that the TDPID is XXXXX and the data source name is TeraDataDev, so when you are asked for the Data Source Name you should enter 'TeraDataDev'.


Posted 2019-06-06T16:17:54.653

Reputation: 26

That worked,thank you very much. – Karthikeyan Janakiraman – 2019-06-14T11:23:59.190