Configure VPN on OSX so only one IP is served by VPN


I need to configure VPN on OSX.

The status of the connection is connected and IP address of this connection is

In Advanced panel I unchecked Send all traffic over VPN connection.

I have IP of the database server that I need to connect to. Let say its IP is just IP but this IP starts with 104.43... and when I try to check if it works I'm doing this:

ping `IP`

But I'm receiving this all the time:

Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1

Is there any additional setup that I should do so traffic to IP will be handled by VPN. I think it is handled not by VPN.

I'm totally novice in this area. I don't know how to diagnose such problems so any advice can be helpful for me.

I just want to have all the traffic as always but traffic to this specific IP go through VPN.

I'm working on macOS HighSierra 10.13.6

Marcin Kapusta

Posted 2019-05-22T20:01:51.203

Reputation: 101

It's possible to route VPN or direct on a per-app basis, but it may depend on your VPN software. I used ExpessVPN for a time because it could do this. None of the other services I tried seemed capable. Google 'split tunnelling' for methods to do it natively. – Tetsujin – 2019-05-23T08:54:04.960

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