VPN service/settings to allow local RDP


I have a need for an on-site system to appear to be off-site and contacting on-site services (for testing). I need multiple users to run these tests.

My first instinct is connect a VM system to a VPN service, except then we can't remote into the VM (by default).

Is there another solution (other than a physical system actually off-site)?

Is there a VPN service that allows (easily) allows for a configuration with RDP (or other services) excluded from the VPN while other traffic goes through the VPN?



Posted 2019-05-07T21:14:55.657

Reputation: 157

What exactly does "to appear to be off-site" mean - traffic originating from an external, public IP? – SamAndrew81 – 2019-05-07T21:42:13.777

Yes, basically. We have services that behave differently depending on internal/external IP address, and troubleshooting is difficult when we can't properly "appear" as off-site. – Teknowledgist – 2019-05-08T13:55:53.937

I would use AWS EC2 instances (virtual machines) for this. Then they really and truly are sending traffic in from an external source: https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/tutorials/launch-windows-vm/

– SamAndrew81 – 2019-05-09T00:26:29.983

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