Mac IP4 forwarding for Zero Tier


I used to have a VPN using mac server which I have not needed for a whilst. I came to reinstate it the other day only to find that it is no longer supported on OSX server. I stumbled across Zero Tier and have set it up between my computers but cannot set up port forwarding on my mac mini that I use as a server (I want to be able to use it in full tunnel mode).

I have tried the following steps:

sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 # to enable port forwarding

then in the pf.conf file adding:

Host computer ip on zero tier is (static)
Zero Tier Network ip is
Host computer ip on home LAN (Wifi) is (static)

nat on en1 from zt0:network to any -> (en1)

where en1 if my Wi-Fi network that I connect to the internet on my Mac Mini and zt0 is the network through zero tier.

I then run the following commands in the terminal:

sudo pfctl -d
sudo pfctl -F
sudo pfctl -f ./pf.conf -e

Is it possible to bridge the Zero Tier VLAN to my home LAN to enable tunnelling or am I wasting my time (I have spent many hours trying to find and understand possible solutions)?


Posted 2019-05-06T05:18:04.187

Reputation: 1

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