How to avoid Jitter on a LAN network?


I recently acquired fiber connection at home, but I faced an issue, every 10 minutes, the connection kinda stop and then restart. Which cause websites or any software that require internet connection to crash/wait during around 1 minute.

This is annoying. So I started investigating.

Step 1: ping command

I ran a simple ping command for few entires days:

ping -t

The result was clear: I never saw any problem or increasing ping:

ping command

So at first as I didn't have any clue, I started asking myself if I was crazy or not, if thoses application really stuck for few secondes every 10 minutes.

They did and they still do.

Step 2: Using Ethernet cables

Then as I was using a Power-line communication (PLC), for a computer, and WiFi for an other one. I unpluged the PLC, desactivated the WiFi and bought a 25-meter ethernet cable running through the entire house in order to plug my computer exclusively using cables.

Nothing changed: stable ping but still some Jitter and connection that I could see but not identify.

Step 3: pingplotter

Then I dowloaded and installed pingplotter. Which graphs latency and packet loss between a computer and a target website or server.

The result obtained in the following:


As you can see on the image above, the ping increase slitly, but not enough to make a websote or a software disconnect itself.

The interesting part is the Jitter (ms) that appear at 6-minutes of intervals.

Jitter (ms)

I'm sure this is the cause of all my stuggles.

Do you have any ideas how to fix/avoid it ? Or even what it is ? What's causing this ?

Thanks in advance !


What do you mean by "Jitter" ?

slight irregular movement, variation, or unsteadiness, especially in an electrical signal or electronic device.


Posted 2019-04-28T19:53:27.567

Reputation: 111

What do you mean by stop and restart? Does the Ethernet connection drop? Can you still ping Google when this happens? – Ron Trunk – 2019-04-28T20:48:15.200

Do you see any jitter if you ping the ISP gateway? – Ron Trunk – 2019-04-28T20:53:01.283

@RonTrunk The Ethernet connection is still connected and the ping to google perfectly works when this happens (see Step 1). I haven't tried to ping the ISP gateway i'll check this monday evening and give you some feedback. – Ced – 2019-04-29T00:00:13.390

@RonTrunk I did tests as promised. I couldn't find how to ping the ISP gateway, so I pinged both my Public IPv4 address (which I suppose is also the ISP?) and my local IP, none of them has any jitter while does. If I can provide any more information feel free to ask me, this problem is very important to me and I feel like my post don't have enough attention. – Ced – 2019-04-29T21:25:43.480

There’s very little you can do about the jitter. The Internet gives no guarantees regarding performance. 1 minute interruptions, however, should be taken up with your ISP. – Ron Trunk – 2019-04-30T00:12:40.603

The problem is that ISP don't really care about it, do you think leaving this one and taking another ISP could solve the issue ? Also can it depend on the router the ISP provided ? – Ced – 2019-04-30T06:50:53.753

@RonTrunk Also I noticed that I am able to produce high Jitter easily if I update or download any software. If this may help – Ced – 2019-04-30T19:27:30.280

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