Is it possible to connect to a VPN from inside the Windows Subsystem for Linux?



I'm developing a Wordpress site on a LAMP stack running inside of my WSL Ubuntu installation on Windows 10. There are certain REST calls that I need to make that require a VPN connection to the server. I have the VPN connection working properly on an actual Ubuntu server but when I run the exact same configuration inside WSL, it fails to connect. Is this even supported? I know there are limitations in WSL. I can't seem to find any clear information as most articles talk about Windows 10 itself (the host) connecting to the VPN.

Josh Kim

Posted 2019-04-25T16:45:09.400

Reputation: 31


Searching for the same problem I found out that this is a pending open issue on WSL Github

– JP Dias – 2019-05-16T18:47:58.280

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