How to access to the router for advanced configuration?



I brought a router which is Huawei WS318 recently and I want to make it as a DHCP relay.

But I couldn't find the advanced setting on web page.So I decide to use CLI.

However I couldn't access the router by neither telnet nor ssh.And I found no com port on it.

Then how could I do this?



Posted 2019-03-04T05:16:18.370

Reputation: 1

1It's very likely that you can't. Consumer-grade routers usually don't provide extra features over CLI, if they have a CLI at all. If you want advanced features, then you usually have to pay premium for it. Check the manual, hopefully it's just buried deep in the UI. – gronostaj – 2019-03-04T05:52:27.723

@gronostaj I got none about it on online manual,so I have just to give up?

Emm,is it possible to set up DHCP relay on windows 7,not Server 2008? – Sharon_Xu – 2019-03-04T08:34:56.290

Have you considered installing an open source firmware to the router, like OpenWRT/DD-WRT/Tomato? – QuickishFM – 2019-03-04T11:18:52.113

Yeah,but I'm afraid it couldn't be applied to this router. By the way,which website would you like to go for these router information? Thanks. – Sharon_Xu – 2019-03-04T11:44:11.783

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