ssh - Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual



I am trying to run an indirect GLX program through X11 forwarded ssh. Where the graphics are rendered on the X server side. The ssh server is running on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (will refer to as ubuntu), and ssh client Arch Linux (will refer to as arch).

I start the Xserver on arch with xinit xfce4-session -- +iglx, and connect to ubuntu with ssh connor@server -Xp 23, I then run export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 then proceed to start glx clients. Below I tried running some glx programs:

connor@server:~$ glxinfo
name of display: localhost:10.0
Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig
connor@server:~$ glxgears
Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual

These are the graphics devices for arch:

[connor@archlinux ~]$ lspci | grep VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 530 (rev 06)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM204M [GeForce GTX 970M] (rev a1)

In the SSH session the graphical devices are as follows:

connor@server:~$ lspci | grep VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 530 (rev 06)

Ubuntu seems to be suggessful on X connections, such as running xterm or xeyes, its sshd config contains:

X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
X11UseLocalhost yes

I have tried to run the X server with -listen tcp also allowiing remore with xhost +. On ubuntu, instead set DISPLAY=arch:0.0. But still no success with the exact same results. Strangely, connecting through the windows port of Xorg; VcXsrv, I am able to connect with putty with what I assume to be indirect rendering, as frame-rates are reaching levels of 60fps on full 1920p display on the same hardware and connection (comparable to my previous results of 5fps at low-res).

I ask for potential solutions and help, my frustration has developed over a week after trying everything I can think of with the same results. My last resort is installing Arch linux on the Ubuntu server, as it may be some comparability issue of sorts.

Arcane Blackwood

Posted 2019-02-26T04:08:09.177

Reputation: 59

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