Linux Router DHCP6 with Prefix Delegation


currently I have a DHCP server running at Linux machine using Dnsmasq with the next configuration(/etc/dnsmasq.config):

port 0
dhcp-range=set:ula6,fd7a:d:e:f::2, fd7a:d:e:f::1:ffff,64,12h

Where enp0s3 is the sending the routing advertisements to the client. Additionaliy I set to the server the following address using next command:

$ ifconfig enp0s3 add fd7a:d:e:f::2/64

And then on the Client that is using also Linux that has two interfaces enp0s3(WAN) and enp0s8(LAN) I installed wide-dhcpv6 with the following config(etc/wide-dhcpv6/dhcp6.conf):

interface enp0s3 {
   send ia-na 1;
   send ia-pd 1;
   send rapid-commit;

id-assoc pd 1 {
   prefix ::/64 infinity;
   prefix-interface enp0s8 {   
     sla-id 0;
     ifid 1;
     sla-len 8;

id assoc na 1 {


Appart from this I added on the client /etc/sysctl.conf the following parameters:

net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1
net.ipv6.conf.enp0s3.disable_ipv6 = 0
net.ipv6.conf.enp0s3.autoconf = 1
net.ipv6.conf.enp0s3.accept_ra = 2

After running dnsmasq con the server and wide-dhcpv6-client on the client, I see the WAN address on the client getting the address on the interface according to the dhcp-range that the server setted and they can ping. However on the LAN there is no ipaddress set, so I think the prefix delegation is not working properly. I'm a bit lost so I don't know if the config on server or client are wronly configured but as far as I know LAN on the client should be set automatically by wide-dhcpv6-client.

PS: for this test I setted two virtual machines as internal network, one with one adapter net1 and another with two adapters net1 and net2.

Could anybody give me a hand?

Emilio Castellano

Posted 2019-02-15T14:08:35.407

Reputation: 1

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