Where to find the "bulma snippets" for Sublime Text 3?



In the "Laravel 5.7 From Scratch" video tutorial one sometimes can see usage of something like macros for bulma in Sublime Text editor.

An example would be the lesson "Create New Project Tasks", from the second 32. Typing of "bulmatextfield" generates the complete HTML code for a text field (input, label etc.).

I installed Sublime Text 3 and the "Bulma CSS Framework Autocomplete" plugin. But I'm still not getting the functionality I saw in the video tutorial.

How to get "bulma macros/snippets" (working) for Sublime Text 3?


Posted 2018-11-03T23:55:52.087

Reputation: 337



There is a package on GitHub by BLIAL OTHMANE.

You will have to install the snippet using the following flow. You can use it to install any snippet for Sublime Text 2/3.

  • Locate the Sublime Text Packages folder:
    You can find it located at

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages

  • OS X: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages

  • Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/

Once in the folder open your terminal and

  • Run: git clone https://github.com/OthmaneBlial/Bulma-Snippets-Sublime-Text-Plugin.git

Tim Chosen

Posted 2018-11-03T23:55:52.087

Reputation: 11