Enter Network Credentials


When connecting to a shared folder on the network, it is asking for network credentials (username and password), even though I have password protected sharing disabled. What is especially odd is that we can type in random text as the username and password and it works fine.

Is this an error? If not, how can I enter in the fake credentials from a batch file?

I'm using Windows 10 home (latest update). I disabled password protected sharing in sharing options in the control panel.

Mark Deven

Posted 2018-09-28T14:36:00.990

Reputation: 1 101

Have you turned off password protected sharing on the target/server device? Have you rebooted afterward? – harrymc – 2018-09-28T14:41:27.877

“Even though I have password protected sharing disabled”. Yes. – Mark Deven – 2018-09-28T15:06:41.143

Please edit the question with the server OS, sharing method, how you disabled password protected sharing, and the client OS. – Christopher Hostage – 2018-09-28T15:35:16.087



Not really sure how exactly you disabled the "password protected sharing". But what should solve the problem is to allow read (and write, depending on you're goal) for everyone (which I assume you did correctly) and also change the security settings for everyone:

enter image description here

The access via command line I think this is it (but I'm not 100%):

\\<server>\<sharename> /USER:<domain>\<username> <password>


Posted 2018-09-28T14:36:00.990

Reputation: 3 983

Hmm okay, for some of the files I can’t do that I can give read but not write. Would the net use command work? – Mark Deven – 2018-09-28T15:15:07.360

@MarkDodsons In this case you don't have the right to access/change the the security settings. You need to log on as a user having enough rights, or change the ownership. If you know why you can not change them on the GUI I can tell you the right command (or just look it up yourself there are about a million of howtos on the web), otherwise it will be a guessing game. – Albin – 2018-09-28T15:20:36.903

No lol I have access to the host computer physically. – Mark Deven – 2018-09-28T15:21:17.687

But some files I don’t want users who connect to be able to write too, but view without having to type credentials. – Mark Deven – 2018-09-28T15:22:18.700

then unfortunately I don't understand you're problem... :S could you please be a little bit more specific, maybe an example? – Albin – 2018-09-28T15:27:35.037

When I type \computerhostname\ on another pc I want to have instant access to all files (except a few that are read only). However, atm it is asking for credentials. These credentials can be anything (doesn’t have to be valid credentials you can just type 1234,1234) and then it works. – Mark Deven – 2018-09-28T15:29:41.843

I added it to my answer – Albin – 2018-09-28T15:36:17.107

Thanks, will I have to do this every time or only once? – Mark Deven – 2018-09-28T15:37:03.277

The GUI has a option to save the credentials, so the commend line should have the option as well... at least try to search for it before asking, it's not hard to find! ; ) it might be /persistent:yes I'm not 100% sure. – Albin – 2018-09-28T15:38:42.780

Yeah that should be easy to figure out. Thanks for your help. – Mark Deven – 2018-09-28T15:39:43.010

sure thing... it might be /persistent:yes I'm not 100% sure. maybe i confuse it with another command. Let me know if it worked or not. – Albin – 2018-09-28T15:41:54.133