Add only working days in grid style using Microsoft Excel



I like to have a calendar date view of the five working days in Excel.

I manually built a first row with dates from 30th July 2018 to 3rd Aug 2018 (Mon to Fri, which are working days) and a second row with dates from 6th Aug 2018 to 10th Aug 2018.

I want to do the same using some inbuilt functions or through automation.

Unfortunately, I'm unable to add images as I am getting a warning saying I need 10 reputations to add an image. Therefore, I have tried to depict the same below as if it were in Excel:

A        B        C        D        E 

1/10/18  2/10/18  3/10/18  4/10/18  5/10/18

8/10/18  9/10/18  10/10/18 11/10/18 12/10/18


Posted 2018-09-14T12:54:29.870

Reputation: 51



One possible method using very simple formulas:

  • Enter your starting date in the top-left cell (A1): 1/10/18.
  • Enter the following formula in the cell next to it (B1): =A1+1.
  • Copy B1 to C1, D1 and E1.
  • Enter the following formula in the first cell on the next row (A2): =E1+3.
  • Copy B1, C1, D1 and E1 to B2, C2, D2 and E2.
  • Duplicate the newly completed row (2) as many times as desired.

Sample result:

enter image description here


Posted 2018-09-14T12:54:29.870

Reputation: 3 184



1. Use the first row to add labels of day (M, T, W, TH, F).
2. In cell A2 write the starting date (01/10/2018).
3. In cell B2 write the formula [@M]+1.
4. Drag the formula from cell B2 to cell E2.
   Formulas: B2=>[@M]+1, C2=>[@T]+1, D2=>[@W]+1, E2=>[@TH]+1.
5. In cell A3 write the formula A2+7.
6. From that point use block repeating from right to down until required.

The image depicts the procedure

enter image description here


Posted 2018-09-14T12:54:29.870

Reputation: 341

Is this significantly different from the answer I posted earlier? – simlev – 2018-09-14T14:48:40.103

Is slightly similar even though uses cell-labels for dynamic cell-formulas creation – ArBR – 2018-09-14T14:57:51.247


It can be done like this. Formulas in first row with data will be deferent than all the rest. Effect can be achieved by coping/pasting the second row. Rows can be skipped, but you need to be consistent with the number of rows skipped in one copping( gap between the rows needs to be fixed number).

enter image description here


Posted 2018-09-14T12:54:29.870

Reputation: 223

I don't see how this is different from the answer I posted one hour ago. Please show me how this answer introduces some new, needed concepts. – simlev – 2018-09-14T14:51:12.067