Users and Groups management on 7 Home Premium



Possible Duplicate:
Local Users and Groups Management on Windows 7 Home?

I recently upgraded my home PC from Windows XP Pro, to Windows 7 Home Premium.

Since Local Users and Groups is blocked on Home Premium, I can't figure out how to manage groups, or even do anything even slightly advanced to users (basically, create/group/picture is it). Net localgroup, net users, net etc, doesn't seem to work - getting "system error 5".

While I'm on the topic, I cant activate (what was once) "Local Security Policy"...

Looking for any help, advice, or even a new direction because things are different in Windows 7.

To clarify, I'm looking to do some of the following, which were simply back in XP-land:

  • remote user only (i.e. no local logon)
  • Grant special privileges for specific user
  • grant access to e.g. C$ share for specific remote user
  • create custom groups for users, to be able to separate privileges of say, my wife's from my kids
  • define quite specifically what each user can do (beyond just standard users)
  • Harden OS (hmm, I guess maybe what I'm looking for is a security hardening guide for 7?)


Posted 2010-04-25T09:56:33.490

Reputation: 481

Question was closed 2012-10-24T18:00:09.703

Related: Alternative to gpedit.msc for Windows Home editions?

– Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2012-01-11T00:00:23.863



I am able to use net commands on windows 7 home premium and I do not get system error 5. Have you tried running cmd as administrator and then typing the net commands?

A registry reference might also help you


Posted 2010-04-25T09:56:33.490

Reputation: 188

D'oh, tried everything else running as admin, forgot cmdline utils dont elevate... Still, limit in what I can do with net use... still looking for complete(r) solution? e.g. security policy... Thanks. – AviD – 2010-04-25T13:15:57.430