How to split comma-separated values for Pivot Table?


I have data which has the following format:

Electricity, Cooling
Electricity, Heat
Electricity, Heat, Cooling

I want to use this data in a Pivot Table so I can count the number of items. At the moment, it looks like this:

Pivot table

I would like to set the Pivot Table so that it reads like the following:

Row Labels    |    Count of Energy vectors
Electricity   |                          4
Cooling       |                          2
Heat          |                          2

How could I set the Pivot Table to achieve the above (or rearrange the data automatically to get the same result)?


Posted 2018-07-31T13:04:33.067

Reputation: 303


you need to unpivot your data before you can summarize it. look e.g. here:

– Máté Juhász – 2018-07-31T13:16:23.910

@MátéJuhász - Thanks, I'll take a look :) – Joseph – 2018-08-01T14:15:05.330

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