Is it possible to install Windows on a Mac mini?


I brought a whole new Mac mini as I am an iPhone developer - I prefer to use it.

But most of my family members are not used to macOS and they don't know how to operate basic functions in macOS like:

  • Managing files
  • Opening documents
  • Browser & many many other issues.

It's not their age to learn more, people like us ( computer geek ) can easily get into new systems. I had many attempted efforts to teach them for all these above topics in Windows.

So while I know how to use a Mac, they don't know.

In short, I just want to install Windows. So, that they can feel that Mac mini is for all members not for just me. Can I do this?

  • Can I dual boot Windows and macOS on a Mac mini ?
  • Does it void any of Apple’s warranties?

Sagar R. Kothari

Posted 2010-04-23T05:47:58.897

Reputation: 4 267



It is perfectly legal and also support by Apple. You can find information here (from 2006, so some things might have changed) and here.

But it is easy to do. Just go to Applications → Utilities → Boot Camp Assistant and follow the instructions.

(Direct link to the install instructions)

Make sure you make a backup before, just in case ;)


Posted 2010-04-23T05:47:58.897

Reputation: 4 095

@Felix. "It is perfectly legal & support by Apple" - made me very happy. – Sagar R. Kothari – 2010-04-23T06:26:44.637

@sagar: Have a look at this page , they even promote it ;) So really it is no big deal.

– Felix – 2010-04-23T06:33:26.013

@sugar: It's not that Microsoft don't allow their systems to run OS X but that Apple will only allow OS X to be run on Apple hardware. – pelms – 2010-04-23T09:48:12.543