Can Clonezilla and GParted be put on an EFI partition?


So here's the dilemma: I have a bunch of flash drives I'm trying to set up as multi-boot utility drives for Clonezilla and GParted, and since those utilities don't take up very much space, I'd also like to use the rest of the space on the drive as a storage partition.

The current setup I have has 4 partitions:

  1. EFI with rEFInd embedded inside
  2. Clonezilla
  3. GParted
  4. Storage

The problem I'm running into is that Windows 7 doesn't play well with multiple partitions on a flash drive, and refuses to mount any of the 3 non-EFI partitions I have. I only need to be able to mount the storage partition, but windows won't have any of it. And no, upgrading to Windows 10 isn't an option.

One way I think I may be able to get around this is to place Clonezilla and GParted on the EFI partition alongside rEFInd so that the only other partition on the drive would be the storage partition. This would get past my Windows problem, since I've eliminated the two extra linux parts.

However, I'm not sure how to do this or if it's even possible. Has anyone been able to achieve such a thing, and how would I go about doing it?

Next-Door Tech

Posted 2018-07-04T08:06:59.710

Reputation: 622

I created a multiboot USB with Sardu that allows me to boot into over 50 different utilities (including GParted and Clonezilla) and various live Linux distros and am still able to use the USB stick as storage. Sardu doesn't require separate partitions for each utility. You should have a look at it. It's worked out well for me.

– n8te – 2018-07-04T08:35:40.070

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