Extract URL from a cell having =Hyperlink() formula applied to it


I want to fetch the URL from a cell which has this formula applied to it.

=HYPERLINK(CONCATENATE("https://loremipsum.com/#/Advertiser/",[@[Customer CID]],"/.html"), "View")

The formula has a structured reference to one of the columns in my sheet, 'Customer CID'.

When I try to apply this macro to my sheet it gives the default_value even when the formula is evaluating a correct URL.

Function GetURL(cell As Range, Optional default_value As Variant)
      If (cell.Range("A1").Hyperlinks.Count <> 1) Then
          GetURL = default_value
          GetURL = cell.Range("A1").Hyperlinks(1).Address
      End If
End Function

But when I do not apply the formula and add a Hyperlink to the cell by right-clicking the cell, the macro funtion =GetUrl([@[Customer CID]], "") works and gives me the URL.

Does anyone know how can I perform this task to fetch Hyperlink from a cell if that cell is evaluating the hyperlink from a formula ??


Posted 2018-06-12T04:48:14.373

Reputation: 131

To permanently solve the #VALUE! errors, first select all the error cells (J2:J5), making sure that J2 is the active cell. Then press F2. Then press Ctrl+Enter. – robinCTS – 2018-06-12T10:09:27.843

In order to merge your accounts so that you can comment on and accept or otherwise edit your question you should use the contact form and select "I need to merge accounts".

– Mokubai – 2018-06-12T11:07:50.960



There's no direct way of getting the URL from a cell with a hyperlink generated by a formula. You need to extract the first argument from the HYPERLINK() function, and manually evaluate it.

This is the modified version of your code that does this:

Function GetURL(cell As Range, Optional default_value As Variant)
  With cell.Range("A1")
    If .Hyperlinks.Count = 1 Then
      GetURL = .Hyperlinks(1).Address
      If Left$(Replace(Replace(Replace(.Formula, " ", ""), vbCr, ""), vbLf, ""), 11) = "=HYPERLINK(" Then
        Dim idxFirstArgument As Long: idxFirstArgument = InStr(.Formula, "(") + 1
        GetURL = Evaluate(Mid$(.Formula, idxFirstArgument, InStrRev(.Formula, ",") - idxFirstArgument))
        GetURL = default_value
      End If
    End If
  End With
End Function

Note that any extraneous spaces, or added line breaks in the formula are properly accounted for.


  • This will only work on formulas with an outermost HYPERLINK() function. (However, every formula can be refactored so that HYPERLINK() is outermost, with only a minor drawback; alternately all formulas can be refactored to one of the forms =IF(…,…,HYPERLINK()) or =HYPERLINK(), with no drawbacks, and only requiring a minor modification to the code; finally, with quite a bit of effort, code could be written to parse any formula no matter where the HYPERLINK() function is situated.);
  • If there are any commas after the comma delimiting the first and second arguments of the HYPERLINK() function, the code will break (can be fixed relatively easily).


Posted 2018-06-12T04:48:14.373

Reputation: 4 135