2012 R2 Server stopped allowing external connections overnight


I am using a 2012 R2 server that we use for remote desktop. Overnight, external connections suddently stopped working - no changes to the server, no reboots ( i have now the problem presented ).

When I run a tracert from the computer I am trying to connect with, it fails at which seems to be a telstra NS.

Does anyone have any input, suggestions or ideas about what I can do to get our business back up and running? Many thanks. P.S ports are open according to nMap


Posted 2018-06-06T01:58:38.570

Reputation: 1

if you don't have physical access to reboot, perhaps contact the hosting facility/service to do it for you? Tracert really isn't a good tool for this purpose, as it only tests on possible path to destination, and won't really provide you any actionable information (what are you going to do? call Telestra? ) If you can't connect remotely, you need either "physical" access or someone who has it. Tracert is a great tool for testing routing within your own network, but stopped being useful for actual path accessibility testing in the nineties (or before). – Frank Thomas – 2018-06-06T02:33:50.580

wait, so in your last sentence, you are saying you can reach the server on the network? then why are you trying tracert? if that is the case, try psexec, provided you have admin on the server, to open a cmd shell to it. from there you can restart services or reboot the machine. – Frank Thomas – 2018-06-06T02:51:53.977

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