How to make Putty the default Telnet handler for Windows 10?


I need to use Putty as my Telnet handler client in my ESXi lab. I tried every possible solution that I could find. But nothing worked.

Is there any command I could use in the Registry to force Windows 10 to use Putty instead of the default Telnet client?


Posted 2018-06-04T15:50:03.120

Reputation: 31

It seems You need to modify HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\telnet\shell\open\command – Akina – 2018-06-04T17:05:58.800

OK. I know that. But how to do that ? I tried to do it few times, but it didn't work. Could you please be more specific on how to do it ? – Chamo – 2018-06-04T17:25:25.350

Change the default value of this section and set it as "X:\Folder\Putty.EXE" "%1", where X:\Folder is the drive letter and folders path to Your telnet client. Or simply go to Associations tab of Control Panel and change the association of telnet protocol (not file type!) to Your prog. – Akina – 2018-06-04T19:09:09.130

In the : "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\telnet\shell\open\command", the value date is.............. : ""C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe" "C:\Windows\System32\url.dll",TelnetProtocolHandler %l" ... You want me to change the value inside it to the path of my Putty client ? – Chamo – 2018-06-04T21:47:13.580

Yes. And don't forget to store somewhere (for example, create BACKUP key in this section and save this value in it) original value. Additionally check PuTTY user manual for its command line switches - maybe You need to add some keys/commands to the command line You will write instead the original one. – Akina – 2018-06-05T04:16:40.427

It worked ! I saved the original "value data" in a text file as backup as you suggested. Thank you very much for your help, sir. большое спасибо :) – Chamo – 2018-06-05T18:49:35.973

Да пользуйся на здоровье :) – Akina – 2018-06-05T20:04:29.353

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