How to uninstall php70 or suppress homebrew error messages


Every time I open terminal on my mac, I get the following message from homebrew:

Error: No available formula with the name "homebrew/php/php70" Please tap it and then try again: brew tap homebrew/php

I have looked through a few different ways to resolve this outdated formula issue but nothing has worked. Is there a way to at least suppress this error message, as I think I have installed the correct php version, obviating the need to fix this

Alex Nagel

Posted 2018-05-12T04:12:10.083

Reputation: 41

Try brew doctor to troubleshoot. – McNight – 2018-05-12T21:15:21.487

1I tried that, but can't find anything related to PHP in the output – Alex Nagel – 2018-05-15T16:37:32.713



I'm using ZSH and I had the same problem. Every time I open a new terminal I had:

Error: No available formula with the name "homebrew/php/php70"
Please tap it and then try again: brew tap homebrew/php

In my ~/.zshrc I had this line:

export PATH="$(brew --prefix homebrew/php/php70)/bin:$PATH"

I removed that, since it is no more used and I have no more that warning message.


Posted 2018-05-12T04:12:10.083

Reputation: 51


Somehow you might still have a reference to the old path in your .bash_profile or equivalent. When the line is removed, the message disappears.


Posted 2018-05-12T04:12:10.083

Reputation: 111