unable to connect to AWS EC2 server from putty from work place


Hi I'm trying to connect to AWS EC2 instance using putty by giving authenticate PPK file. getting an error unable to connect to server name host not found, i'm trying to connect from work place, is it may be because they might have blocked port to connect?

Vinay Gowda

Posted 2018-05-03T05:33:55.507

Reputation: 21

Start with debugging DNS resolution. nslookup YOU_HOST or dig YOU_HOST will show if the host can be actually found. – Sergey Kovalev – 2018-05-03T08:36:00.063

Thank you, its due to port has been disabled from work place i have asked to enable and now its working fine – Vinay Gowda – 2018-05-04T05:27:14.613

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