ip route command with a range, not a CIDR



I have a list of IPs such as these country ones from i-blocklist: https://www.iblocklist.com/lists.php?category=country

They only provide ranges without a subscription, such as:

I need to route a few of those lists out a specific interface on a server but I don't see an option in ip route to specify a range in the above notation.

Any ideas?


Posted 2018-04-16T05:24:08.913

Reputation: 21

2Why do you need to specify a range. The network address is obvious - – Appleoddity – 2018-04-16T05:37:33.010

@Appleoddity Looking at a sample file (I took the first one - Andora) - its not as immediately obvious for a lot of ranges - of-course it can be worked out, but they have for example - so a /19 – davidgo – 2018-04-16T07:02:11.540

That's right, the one provided was simply an example but some countries have hundreds of ranges. – hacktek – 2018-04-17T01:59:00.263



The netmask tool can be very handy to convert a range to a CIDR:

$ netmask
$ netmask

You should also see if using ipset or the iptables geoip module, part of xtables-addons wouldn't be more useful than using directly those ranges.

For geoip, look at this usage example in this Q/A: Ubuntu IPTables allow only allow 1 country


Posted 2018-04-16T05:24:08.913

Reputation: 2 008

I think this (and a combination of the one liner in one of the answers below) might be my best bet. Gonna give it a shot but liking what I see. Thanks a lot! – hacktek – 2018-04-17T01:51:03.633


Expanding on A.B Answer - you can convert an entire list to CIDR notation using

for each in `cut -f2 -d":" ad  | tr "-" ":"` ; do netmask $each 2>/dev/null; done

Or to IP/Netmask notation with

 for each in `cut -f2 -d":" ad  | tr "-" ":"` ; do netmask -s $each 2>/dev/null; done

So to push all the IP's from a particular range through a particular interface you could do somethhing like

Putting it together you could create a command with a script as below - removing the "echo" and finishing the iptables command as appropriate for your requirements:

#! /bin/bash


for each in `cut -f2 -d":" ad  | tr "-" ":"`
        netmask -s $each 2>/dev/null;
done > $TMPFILE

while read -r each
        echo /sbin/route add $ROUTE netmask $NETMASK ....
done <$TMPFILE


Posted 2018-04-16T05:24:08.913

Reputation: 49 152

Beautiful (just had to make sure the file only had each range of IPs, one per line, as the one from the site includes the country name in front of each one). – hacktek – 2018-04-17T01:56:08.493

The first half "cut" statement takes care of the country name. – davidgo – 2018-04-17T02:21:25.783

Ah you're right, initially it didn't work cause I was actually missing the netmask package. Great! – hacktek – 2018-04-17T03:50:04.707


No such thing as range routing. You can route subnets (as close to the desired range as you need) and supplement that with how many other independent not included in the subnets IPs you need.

In your example, is a not a range, it's the subnet /16 . You can route it in one-shot.

A range would be something as, which would be impossible to route under this format. In this scenario, you would need to route /24 and separately /30, so you basically cover it with 2 routes, but that's an easy one. Things can get much more complicated.


Posted 2018-04-16T05:24:08.913

Reputation: 8 562

Indeed, which is why I asked how to route that since it was not possible in that Form, transforming to cidr notation programmatically appears to be the general consensus. – hacktek – 2018-04-17T01:57:53.837

Yes, depending on the device you need the configuration on you either have to use "/", netmask or wildcard mask. – Overmind – 2018-04-17T04:47:38.597