Display certain selection based on cell value - scheduling in Excel


In my workbook I have four sheets: Weekly schedule, Daily schedule, Shift template, Lists

For my audiovisual trainers (a team of four) I made shift templates on one sheet. As they work different times, the presence of trainers vary on a daily basis. So the shift templates I made are all possible scenarios: 1 trainer, 2 trainers, 3 trainers and 4 trainers, with specific blocks (drop down lists) in their "timeline" where they can give workshops/trainings.

The lists sheet contains all lists that I need in the drop down menu.

On the first sheet I made the weekly schedule that displays the start times.

Another sheet I made the daily schedule. Here, the shift times (and trainers) kind of link back to the weekly schedule. Whatever is written in cells in the weekly schedule, will display here. At the bottom of each day, I count the total shifts.

I would like to know if it's possible that based on the outcome of the shift count, it will automatically display a shift template based on the number of shifts? So let's say that on Monday I have two trainers working, it will display the 2 shift template in an area next to it? I'd like to know if Excel is capable of doing that for me.

Every week, I am losing a lot of time every week copying/pasting cells and specifying the shifts of the trainers. Having a template displaying for each day based on shift count will make my life a lot easier.

The shift template at the moment is nothing more than cells with a conditional formatting to build in breaks and additional hours.

The drop down menus are the fixed blocks in which trainers host workshops with different topics.

How I would like it to work: In the week overview (see screenshot) I enter the start times of the shifts (all full-time shifts).

Week Overview: Week overview

In the Daily schedule screenshot, these times show up in every weekday. Dates and days of the week are linked as well to reduce the amount of work. At the bottom of every weekday, you see the sum of the shifts (light blue colored cell).

Daily Schedule: Daily schedule

What I would dream of: when it counts 1, 2, 3, or 4 shifts in the Daily schedule, it will display the accompanying shift patterns as it displays in the shift template, as well as the list with start - end, session types and trainer.

Hope this clarifies a bit.

Shift Template: Shift template


Posted 2018-04-07T12:09:43.137

Reputation: 1

Yes, it's probably possible. But answering your question is not possible unless you give us more information. Screenshots of your data would help, along with a detailed explanation of how you construct a shift template now. – Bandersnatch – 2018-04-07T13:57:03.123

Edited my post. Tried adding screenshots ("Daily schedule", "Shift template" and "Week overview"). Hope they show up. – ipat7 – 2018-04-07T16:09:08.377

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