Not able to access FTP server from other machines in same LAN when Windows Firewall is ON



I have FTP server configured on my Windows 10. When I turn off my Windows Firewall I can access the FTP server from other machines on the same LAN. But when I turn on the firewall, I cannot access the FTP. These are my firewall inbound rules that I feel are specific to my issue (I was thinking to snip and share full windows firewall rule list. But its huge. Please point me to any other rule that I need to tweak. I will snip it and share here.)

Inbound Rules enter image description here enter image description here

Outbound Rules enter image description here enter image description here

Please tell me what is ill configured. (Am on Windows 10)


Posted 2018-04-01T07:05:42.883

Reputation: 695



For FTP you will want to ensure you open both TCP ports 20 and 21. Additionally, if the server service running on the machine uses passive mode, then you will also need to open up the TCP port range the FTP server is configured to use.

Quick Port Breakdown

It appears you are running insecure FTP on TCP ports 20 and 21 (i.e. active and passive), and maybe also FTPS with implicit SSL on TCP port 990 and 989.

The FTP protocol uses a port/channel for the controls/commands and another port/channel for the data exchange portion of the client and server.

Insecure FTP

  • Command channel: TCP Port 21
  • Data channel (active): TCP port 20
  • Data channel (passive): <FTP Server configured TCP port range>

FTPS with implicit SSL

  • Command channel: TCP Port 990
  • Data channel (active): TCP port 989

Command Line Firewall (this section should fix the problem)

Run the below in command line elevated as administrator to create a Windows Firewall rule allowing inbound traffic to your FTP server service to communicate on the applicable command and data ports for any IP address and any profile scope of Windows OS classified networks.

You need to specify the program="<C:\FTPServer\FTPServer.exe>" value appropriate to your server or else use the service=<ftpsvc> in its place instead pointing to the service name instead.

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="FTP Inbound" dir=in action=allow program="%windir%\system32\svchost.exe" remoteip=any localip=any protocol=TCP localport=20,21,990,989 remoteport=20,21,990,989 profile=any

Run the below to disable stateful FTP filtering so that the firewall does not block any FTP traffic so you don't need to open up the entire passive port range to allow that traffic.

netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFTP disable

Windows Firewall GUI

Be sure that you have the scope defined in the rules so the IP address range of the LAN are allowed through or else allow any IP address through. Lastly, you will want to ensure the network adapters on the server are configured in a profile the firewall rule allows.


Note: Add the passive port range if applicable.

enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here

Further Resources

Pimp Juice IT

Posted 2018-04-01T07:05:42.883

Reputation: 29 425

What exactly I have to do? Just want to note that it seems that I have multiple instances of same rule. For example in above question screenshots I have two entries of "FTP Server (FTP Traffic-In)". Similar for other entries. I dont know if they are duplicate, just that it seems same to me. I have uploaded screenshots of different tabs of different distinct rules arranged vertically one below other (read titlebar of windows for rule name) here. As you can see, local/remote ports checkbox is greyed out. (continued...)

– Maha – 2018-04-01T10:55:20.007

(...continued) Rest of the settings I have done the way you told. But not working yet. Please see screenshots once and tell me what I am missing. – Maha – 2018-04-01T10:56:50.927

I am using Windows's built in FTP which can be enabled through "Turn Windows features on or off" window. And managing it through IIS Management console. – Maha – 2018-04-01T15:10:20.973

And I have %windir%\system32\svchost.exe listed in This program field of Program and Services tab of all thos FTP related inbound rules. – Maha – 2018-04-01T15:14:21.290

I ran netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFtp disable and then netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="FTP Inbound" dir=in action=allow program="%windir%\system32\svchost.exe" remoteip=any localip=any protocol=TCP localport=20,21,990,989 remoteport=20,21,990,989 profile=any. Now its working!!! It seems a lot complex than I thought it would be. Now I have to understand all this :( Super thanks anyway. And if possible please summarize what was the issue and how you solved it. I mean I really dont understand the command. Understanding it will consume some hours now :( – Maha – 2018-04-01T17:13:18.923

@Mahesha999 I've updated my answer and cleaned up my comments on those pointers, etc. that helped you resolve. – Pimp Juice IT – 2018-04-01T17:51:12.030

1@pimp juice it, dude.. nice answer! – Tim_Stewart – 2018-04-02T00:08:48.987

Why are you restricting remote ports? Why in your command you're restricting it to 989 and 990 (both local and remote) while in your screenshot you're using a port range? – drizin – 2019-07-23T16:27:21.533

Your rule worked fine for me as long as I don't restrict remote ports and use the wide port range (20,21,50000-55000) for local port. This range associated to the svchost.exe look safe enough. – drizin – 2019-07-23T16:29:16.107