Network Subnetting


Just trying to understand network subnetting a little better. I have been given a problem in dividing a network using IP into 5 department units with 200 computers each. What would the IP table ranges look like?


Posted 2018-03-26T01:24:49.257

Reputation: 1


See the excellent answer to this question.

– Ron Maupin – 2018-03-26T01:46:40.270

@ron maupin is right. This is an excellent answer if you are confused about subneting. If you read that explanation, and still can't make heads or tails of it. I would suggest a subnet calculator. Although It really is best if you have a full grasp on the concept in your head – Tim_Stewart – 2018-03-26T18:08:05.843



There are lots of ways to do this.

Absent further requirements I would be inclined to simply break this into a number of subnets, each with about 65534 useable addresses. I'd do this by using the second octet to define the department - thus

10.1.x.x. Would be Dept 1 10.2.x.x would be Dept 2 . .

In this case you would specify a netmask of - meaning the first 2 digits are not changeable and define the dept, and there can be over 300 depts eventually set up, and the 2 rightmost digits mean up to 65k users per dept.


Posted 2018-03-26T01:24:49.257

Reputation: 49 152

Interesting, I would have gone with a /23 or a /24 based off of the total devices in each subnet. 65000 addresses seems like quite a large subnet for the requirements. – Tim_Stewart – 2018-03-26T18:04:19.513

There is no right or wrong way if doing this, and certainly a /23 is practical. My reasons for preferring a /16 is it makes identifying the department easy. It also makes it easy if later on a department wants to split off a chunk for its own servers or whatever. The 10.x.x.x subnet is good like that. Of-course the limitation of my addressing choice means it's a bit harder to expand to multiple regions, being that there is less flexibility on the second octet. – davidgo – 2018-03-26T18:09:20.270

I didn't mean to detract from your post. I somewhat agree with you, without knowing where the OP's organization is headed as far as expansion or future plans, it would be conjecture to say anything is right or wrong. I just find it interesting the way that other people solve the same problems differently, and sometimes it's even eye opening. Cheers – Tim_Stewart – 2018-03-26T18:31:48.800