How to connect to a TightVNC-server on Windows via ssh-tunnel?


I need to connect to a particular Windows machine, which is behind firewall, from a remote Unix machine.

To this end I installed the TightVNC-server (2.8.8 GPL) on the Windows machine. It is set to listen on 14900 and configured to "Allow loopback" and only loopback connections.

If I attempt to run telnet 14900 on the same Windows machine, it promptly connects and prints out the beginning of the VNC protocol (RFB...). So far so good.

Now I use PuTTY to ssh out of the Windows machine into the remote Unix machine. One of the tunnels I set up in the PuTTY session is R14900:

When I attempt to run vncviewer on the remote Unix machine, however, it hesitates for a second and then claims: vncviewer: VNC server closed connection. If I attempt the same telnet 14900 on the remote Unix machine, it also connects briefly only to be disconnected.


  1. How does the TightVNC-server distinguish connections to it coming from the same machine vs. those coming via an ssh-tunnel, if in both cases the remote IP of the new connection is
  2. How can I overcome this cleverness and let myself connect without exposing the Windows machine to the rest of the LAN?

Mikhail T.

Posted 2018-01-26T00:38:45.330

Reputation: 419

2I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because the self-answer indicates that this was a hiccup and no longer reproducible. – fixer1234 – 2018-01-26T01:27:55.880



Ok, never mind -- after restarting the PuTTY session once more, everything began to work...

Mikhail T.

Posted 2018-01-26T00:38:45.330

Reputation: 419