Fix NTFS partition


Okay, so i was about to resize one of my NTFS partitions but suddenly the partition tool showed me an error and it crashed, so i was no longer able to use my partition - even when i tried mounting it under linux it showed me error.

I installed active partition recovery, and using it i can see all my files on that partition - it's all there, nothing's been removed. I just need somehow to fix the partition so it can be usable again. Can you tell me how, or using with which tool/software ?

Thank you.


Posted 2010-04-08T13:52:35.070


Maybe post the exact error messages you're getting? – kbyrd – 2010-04-08T16:34:49.960

kbyrd: when i try to browse it with windows explorer i get error "D:\ is not accessible, the file or directory is corrupted or unreadable". – None – 2010-04-09T11:05:15.517



I'd suggest using Testdisk - it's very good at this kind of thing. It's also included on the Knoppix Live CD and some other Linux distributions, so you can boot from that and run TestDisk on the drive/partition you need to recover.


Posted 2010-04-08T13:52:35.070

Reputation: 601

+1 for testdisk - used it just yesterday when I accidentally quick formatted a partitioned drive: quick, easy, and it worked! – Andy – 2010-05-28T10:40:11.547


For there linux there should be a tool to fix a ntfs called ntfsfix. But maybe you can just launch microsoft scandisk on it following this tutorial: how to perform scandisk in windows.


Posted 2010-04-08T13:52:35.070

Reputation: 65