Legacy Claris Home Page website uses X-SAS-WINDOW, can it be removed?


I’ve been given a legacy website created in Claris Home Page. I did a wget on it, and have all the HTML and images from it working. However, it has stuff in the header such as:


I’ve not been able to find any references to X-SAS-WINDOW. I’m going to guess that TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT and RIGHT has something to do with defining formatting. What made use of that X-SAS-WINDOW data?

Can I delete those from the header? If I left it there, will it cause any problems? Perhaps when it is indexed by search engines?


Posted 2018-01-15T03:43:25.753

Reputation: 447



Well, I don’t know much about how Claris Home Page rendered pages, but <X-SAS-WINDOW> is definitely not a valid HTML tag since any tag that is prefixed by X- is an “unstandardized” element and the use of X- prefix on custom tags such as those has been depreciated since at least 2012.

It might just be a tag used internally by Claris Home Page—for things like window positioning on the desktop—but that’s it. I was able to find this Japanese page that clearly states when translated:

非標準 (Non-standard)

And shows that <X-SAS-WINDOW> tag paired with <!--This file created 02.5.11 10:31 AM by Claris Home Page version 2.0J--> so I am fairly confident that is a useless tag as far as standard HTML pages go and can be removed.

That said, since HTML pages are just text pages, I would encourage you to just make an archive of the site as it currently is before you make adjustments and then just remove the X-SAS-WINDOW stuff stuff for now when updating the site.

And if you are still unsure, just take the page and run it through an HTML validator such as this one.


Posted 2018-01-15T03:43:25.753

Reputation: 38 217