Windows 10 Home PC cannot access shared folder on Windows 7 Home Premium Laptop


I have a PC whose name is A-PC, operating system is Windows 10 Home 64-bit and workgroup is WORKGROUP. It is connected to my Router wired. To login I use ChumbA username and PasswordA password; ChumbA is a Local Account Administrator on A-PC.

I have a Laptop whose name is B-LAPTOP, operating system is Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit and workgroup is WORKGROUP. It is connected to same Router wireless. To login I use ChumbB username and PasswordB password; ChumbB is a Local Account Administrator on B-LAPTOP.

From A-PC I can ping B-LAPTOP and from B-LAPTOP I can ping A-PC.

On A-PC I shared a folder to Everyone with Read/Write access. Its path is \\A-PC\Share.

From B-LAPTOP when I try to access this shared folder \\A-PC\Share, I was asked for username and password; I supplied A-PC\ChumbA as username and PasswordA password. And I was able to access the shared folder.

Now here is the problem:

On B-LAPTOP I shared a folder to Everyone with Read/Write access. Its path is \\B-LAPTOP\Share.

From A-PC when I try to access this shared folder \\B-LAPTOP\Share, I get this error message:

Windows cannot access \\B-LAPTOP\Share

Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. To try to identify and resolve network problems, click Diagnose.

Error code: 0x80004005

Unspecified error

I tried Diagnose but it could not find the problem.

What could be the reason?


Posted 2017-12-31T18:20:37.310

Reputation: 167

3When sharing files and folders within a Workgroup, I always recommend that people create an identical set of login/password combinations on each machine. It makes everything so much easier! Try creating the ChumbA login on the laptop with the same password it has on the Windows 10 Home machine and see if you can access the laptop share over the network. – Run5k – 2017-12-31T18:31:49.087

@Run5k Thanks your solution worked. But I still dont understand why the laptop was able to access the PC share before? – ChumboChappati – 2017-12-31T19:53:17.567

Always glad to help. When you are dealing with a mixed OS environment, strange things can happen. For many years, it has been a "best practice" for those of us who configure a Windows Workgroup on our home network to ensure that each machine has the exact same login/password combinations to help make file sharing relatively smooth and easy. With the advent of Windows operating systems that utilize a Microsoft account for login purposes, it is even easier than before. – Run5k – 2017-12-31T22:53:21.230

Thanks. If you can make your comment an answer then I can accept it and be done with this question. – ChumboChappati – 2017-12-31T23:21:59.190



When sharing files and folders within a Workgroup, I always recommend that people create an identical set of login/password combinations on each machine. It makes everything so much easier, and for many years it has been a "best practice" for those of us who configure a Windows Workgroup on our home network. With the advent of Windows operating systems that utilize a Microsoft account for login purposes, it is even easier than before.

Try creating the ChumbA login on the laptop with the same password it has on the Windows 10 Home machine and see if you can access the laptop share over the network.


Posted 2017-12-31T18:20:37.310

Reputation: 13 092