Excel 2016 icons missing from pin list upon boot


After I upgraded to Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, when I start Windows 10 x64, the files I have pinned to MS Office have some of their associated icons missing as in this example:

Pin list immediately after boot

But after I open any Excel file (not necessarily one in the pin list), the icons are there:

Pin list after opening a file
This is only mildly annoying, but I'd like to fix it. I have tried Googling some variations of "icons missing from pinned list," but I don't get anything close to my issue. Any ideas?


Posted 2017-12-22T22:57:05.053

Reputation: 1 413



It sounds as though there may be issues with the Font Cache on your computer. Create a .bat file with this code and run it:

ie4uinit.exe -show
taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe
cd /d %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer
attrib -h iconcache_*.db
DEL /A /Q "%localappdata%\IconCache.db"
DEL /A /F /Q "%localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\iconcache*"
start explorer
shutdown -r -t 10

IMPORTANT: This WILL forcibly restart your computer right away. Make sure everything is saved and closed before you run it.

The script does not need to run as Administrator.

Once the computer restarts, give it a few minutes, open Excel, close it, restart again, and see if your icons show up correctly.


Posted 2017-12-22T22:57:05.053

Reputation: 34 957

+1 for the effort. I tried your batch file to no avail. I also thought you may have meant "icon cache" rather than "font cache," so I tried solutions offered here: http://www.thewindowsclub.com/rebuild-icon-clear-thumbnail-cache-windows-10 and here:http://www.thewindowsclub.com/icon-cache-rebuilder-for-windows-10. Neither of these worked either.

– BillDOe – 2017-12-23T01:07:37.277

Hmm. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope someone else shares (or you find) a solution. – music2myear – 2017-12-28T16:26:13.520