macOS Terminal find most recent file in directory



I'm writing (what I thought would be) a quick little bash function to identify the most recent photo imported into Apple's standard from a DSLR.

So far it looks something like this:

find ~/Pictures/Photos\ Library.photoslibrary/Masters -type f

Pretty simple. As it is, it lists the entire library of imported photos. My first instinct was to simply | tail -n 1, but the files aren't listed in any discernible order.

I considered | sort -V, but it's not unusual for the filenames (i.e. IMG_0123.CR2) to become out of order.

FYI: This BSD version of find doesn't support the -printf option found in the GNU version.


Posted 2017-12-16T21:27:56.143

Reputation: 2 053

Question was closed 2017-12-20T19:46:25.877

The listing command is ls -lt dir | head -n 1 gets you the first file but I don't know the file format ie *.jpg that photos uses so can't be more explicit – user151019 – 2017-12-16T21:43:53.390



I found this answer to a similar question, Order Find-results by modification date.

In your case it should be something like:

find ~/Pictures/Photos\ Library.photoslibrary/Masters -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ls -tl

More info about how it interacts can be found in the link above.

David Lindegren

Posted 2017-12-16T21:27:56.143

Reputation: 51


Save this Perl script somewhere in your search $PATH, chmod it to make it executable, and then just run it. It will prompt you for a few options, including sorting by name or date. It's an OLD script I wrote years ago, don't trash it too much; it does work!

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# This script finds files or folders that have been modified "recently"
# (as determined by the timeframe specified in the arguments).
# Just run the script to get the full usage instructions.

use strict;
use File::Find;
use Config;

my $time;
my $units;
my $dir;
my $order = "time";
my @validUnits = qw(sec min hours days);
my @results;
my %results;

if ($#ARGV < 1) {
  print "\nUSAGE: $0 [-f] <time> <units> [dir]\n\n";
  print "Search for recently modified files or folders located\nin (or under) dir (which is \".\" if not specified).\n";
  print "\nResults are sorted by timestamp, in ascending order, unless the '-f' option is used\n";
  print "to specify sorting by filename.\n";
  print "\nPlease enter the time (just a number): ";
  $time = <>;
  chomp $time;
  print "Please enter the units (@validUnits): ";
  $units = <>;
  chomp $units;
  print "Please enter the directory: [.] ";
  $dir = <>;
  chomp $dir;
  if ($dir eq "") { $dir = "." }
  print "Sort order (file or time): [time] ";
  $order = <>;
  chomp $order;
  if ($order eq "") { $order = "time" }
  print "\n";
else {
  if ($ARGV[0] eq "-f") {
    $order = "filename";
  $time = shift;
  $units = shift;
  if ($#ARGV > -1) {
    $dir = shift;
  else {
    $dir = ".";

# Check the time entered.
if (!($time) || !($time =~ m/^[0-9]*$/)) {
  print "You must enter an integer for the length of time.\n";
  exit 1;

# Check the units entered.
my $validUnits = grep m/$units/, @validUnits;
if (!($units) || !($validUnits)) {
  print "You must use one of the valid units: @validUnits\n";
  exit 1;

if ("min" eq $units) { $time *= 60 }
if ("hours" =~ m/$units/) { $time *= 60 * 60 }
if ("days" =~ m/$units/) { $time *= 60 * 60 * 24 }
my $now = time();
my $then = $now - $time;

     sub {
       # If you can't get the mtime for a file, it's probably a dead link.
       # Set $mtime back to "0", to remove this dead link from consideration.
       # NOTE: all links are resolved, so $mtime reflects the mtime of the
       # link target, not the link itself.
       my $mtime = (stat)[9] || "0";
       if ($mtime > $then) {
     # If the $mtime is more recent than the target ($then),
     # add the mtime to the %results hash,
     # keyed by filename (w/ relative path)
     $results{$File::Find::name} = $mtime;
     , $dir

# Get all the keys (filenames) of the %results hash.
# If we're sorting by "time", re-sort @results by the timestamp.
@results = sort keys %results;
if ($order eq "time") {
  @results = sort { $results{$a} <=> $results{$b} } @results;

foreach my $key (@results) {
  # If we're sorting by "time", print the time first, followed by filename.
  # Else, print filename first, followed by time.
  if ($order eq "time") {
    print localtime($results{$key}) . ": $key\n";
  else {
    print "$key: " . localtime($results{$key}) . "\n";

if ($Config{'osname'} eq "MSWin32") {
  print "\nPress RETURN to exit.\n";


Posted 2017-12-16T21:27:56.143

Reputation: 832