How to apply the same conditional formatting to other cells?


My spreadsheet has multiple rows. Each row has a checkbox. If a checkbox is ticked, conditional formatting will highlight that row. I am curious to know if there's a way to apply the conditional format to the next 500 rows as if I'm just dragging down a formula which will reference the cells correctly.

I tried using the format painter, but all that does is extend the highlighted area if I were to tick a single checkbox. Conditional Format Rules Manager doesn't help my situation as the options are very limited. Copying and pasting just the formatting rules still just extends the highlight from a single row.

Cheez Me

Posted 2017-12-13T04:15:39.577

Reputation: 41

what's wrong with highlighting the 500 cells and adding a new rule? (same as the 1st rule). – Blaine – 2017-12-13T05:01:07.820



  1. If you have a row set up the way you want, you should be able to select it and drag/fill down.
  2. If you have a row or some other region/range set up the way you want, you can do “Conditional Formatting” → “Manage Rules” and change the “Applies to” range to the range you want to cover.
    “Conditional Formatting” → “Manage Rules”


Posted 2017-12-13T04:15:39.577

Reputation: 17 653