How much disk space do I need for running Parrot OS?


I just git a notebook from my uncle. The notebook already has Windows 8 x64bit installed but I want to dual boot with Parrot OS. My hard disk is 27GB and has about 13GB of free space in a partition.

Is that enough free space enough to dual boot Parrot OS??


Posted 2017-11-18T03:44:20.713

Reputation: 11

Try to run it in a VM having just 13 GB space for it and you'll know the answer . – C0deDaedalus – 2018-04-27T18:52:57.437



Generally speaking, yes. Depending on which packages you want to use and/or how much free space you'll need for your own files, 8 GB should be plenty.

That being said, before you go on playing with partitions, I would strongly recommend you try it out with a virtual machine. Install VirtualBox, create a VM add test it. It might fit the bill for your needs.

Moreover you can use a persistent USB stick, so there's no real need to do a permanent install.


Posted 2017-11-18T03:44:20.713

Reputation: 141

1Is there any (semi-)official documentation that supports your "8GB should be plenty" statement? Or is this statement because you use Parrot OS and you're familiar enough with it? Both ways are OK. I'm just asking you to disclose whether the answer comes from theoretical research, actual experience or just a guess. – Kamil Maciorowski – 2017-11-20T06:49:11.270

ParrotOS itself doesn't say anything, but the Raspberry Pi image they provide (and which I tried) is less than 6Gb, so it's a semi-official answer. I realize it's a different platform, so I also tried installing on a VM like I suggested. VirtualBox defaults to 8Gb for Debian installs, and Parrot Lite installs with ~1.7 Gb free space left. In the strictest sense of the definition, it does install. I leave to the user to determine if it's useful. – aprad046 – 2017-11-20T15:45:06.170

OK then. Upvoted. – Kamil Maciorowski – 2017-11-20T15:59:29.437


If you want it installed in your computer and to run it as it should/correctly you'll need 16GB of free space (In a VM as well as not dual-boot or directly in your HD).


Posted 2017-11-18T03:44:20.713

Reputation: 1