Easiest way to go to your previous location in a large word document


I make regular small edits to a 150 page document and find it frustrating that word does not remember what part of the document I last edited. Is there some option I can set in word so that it does remember, or if not, can someone suggest an easy trick to help with this problem.

EDIT: The document is divided into a great many chapters and sub-sections and sub-sub-sections. Any tips on quickly jumping around from section to section would go a long way to helping with my problem. In outlining mode, with all the outlines closed, jumping around the file is a joy... but very irritatingly, when word is shut down and re-started, it opens all the outlines. So at the moment, at the beginning of every editing session I manually close all the outlines, then I can more easily navigate to the part I want to edit. This feels very clumsy, especially if all I want to do is add one sentence somewhere.


Posted 2010-04-02T13:36:31.073

Reputation: 1 607

1Sounds like bookmarks could help you here. – random – 2010-04-02T13:39:49.680

1What, no vi fanboys wanted to jump in? :-) – Joe Internet – 2010-04-02T15:54:31.470



Answering my own question... I've just discovered that I can close all the outlines in one shot by clicking "Show Level 1". This means I can jump to whatever section I like pretty quickly. Using a bookmark as suggested by "random" is useful too.


Posted 2010-04-02T13:36:31.073

Reputation: 1 607

If your sections are named something unique (like Chapter 1, 2, etc...), you can search for that section, Ctrl + F. – nicorellius – 2010-04-02T17:03:49.790


During an editing session:

Undo then Redo.  

At the start of an editing session:


Note the latter may require an edit to Normal.dot.

Hugh Allen

Posted 2010-04-02T13:36:31.073

Reputation: 8 620

@hugh allen: sounds like a genius idea.. but upon starting word, undo and redo are greyed out :-( – Mick – 2010-04-02T13:44:37.283

@Mick: No, it only works within an editing session, not after loading a saved document :( – Hugh Allen – 2010-04-02T13:51:01.657