batch splashscreen or something similar


I have written a simple batch script (which will be converted to an .exe later) which checks if a server is reached before opening its webpage:

@echo off
ping -n 1 -w 1000 10.###.###.1 | find "TTL=" >nul
if errorlevel 1 (
    msg "%username%" You are not connected via VPN. You have to conect to VPN first!
    if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (
        echo You are not connected via VPN. You have to conect to VPN first!
) else (
    ping -n 1 -w 1000 | find "TTL=" >nul
    if errorlevel 1 (

        ping -n 1 -w 1000 192.168.###.### | find "TTL=" >nul
        if errorlevel 1 (
            msg "%username%" Couldn't find requested Server. Please contact the administrator!
            if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (
                echo Couldn't find requested Server. Please contact the administrator!
        ) else (
            msg "%username%" Connected but using NO-DNS Fallback. Please inform the administrator!
             if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (
                echo Connected but using NO-DNS Fallback. Please inform the administrator!
            cmd /c start "" "http://192.168.###.###"
    ) else (
        cmd /c start "" ""

This works perfect and does what it should.

Anyway in case of failure and the server is not reached for some reason, it still takes some time (I'ld expect 2 seconds but actually it takes up to 9 seconds) until the user gets the message as feedback ... meanwhile he doesn't know, wether the code is doing something.

I wonder if there is any posibility only using batch to display some kind of "Splashscreen" (message/image) only during the pings until it connects or an error message is displayed, letting the user know that the script is running?

I say only using batch because since it is just a kind of "smart" URL Link I would like not to have to put too much effort in this e.g. using java or something like that.


Posted 2017-10-17T06:19:48.510

Reputation: 258

Why don't you always show the user a "Working..." message before you start pinging and then another one when you're done with either "Success" or "Error"? – Tomer Godinger – 2017-10-18T00:53:34.713

Possible, but how do I "kill" a message? The problem would be that if it succeeds within 2ms than there still would be the messages displayed .. but I want to display a message or something just during the connection checks – derHugo – 2017-10-18T06:48:22.750

Well that depends: how are you showing your messages? – Tomer Godinger – 2017-10-23T12:29:24.237

Until now by msg or (if it is not installed/available) as fallback by using echo because I noticed msg is not available on Windows Home e.g. – derHugo – 2017-10-24T04:54:31.313



I didn't find a solution for the "Splash Screen", so I would still be interested in this.

But I've found a workaround which is ok for now by using the -w option for ping and setting a maximal timeout of 1 sec. what is ok for a user to wait.

But I still would prefere the "Splash Screen" way if someone has a solution for this.


Posted 2017-10-17T06:19:48.510

Reputation: 258