Service host tasks consuming large amount of processor


On what appears to be every other boot of my computer, I find that three service host tasks consume a significant amount of CPU cycles.

enter image description here

If I let the computer sit, untouched, for 10-15 minutes, these three tasks remain the greatest consumers of cpu time. If I reboot, however, they stop being cpu hogs:

enter image description here

What surprises me is that I can reproduce this behavior by simply rebooting my computer, at which point the three service host tasks will resume their place as top CPU users.

I am looking for suggestions on how to troubleshoot this issue.


Posted 2017-10-15T13:16:43.077

Reputation: 131

Question was closed 2017-10-15T13:20:44.660

See this answer for how to separate the various services running inside a particular instance of Service Host.

– I say Reinstate Monica – 2017-10-15T13:22:12.070

update to at least Win10 v1703, here the services are hosted in separated svchost.exe processes. here you see which service causes the issue. Use WPT (WPRUI/WPA) to trace what the service does.

– magicandre1981 – 2017-10-15T16:44:49.933

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