Debian/Raspbian - Send Email "back in time"


For the sake of entertainment i am looking for a way so send an email "back in time". With that i mean sending & receiving an email with a timestamp from the past. For that purpose i am running 2 Postfix&Dovecot-Email-Servers on Raspbian & Debian. Those are the two i want to use for my magical trick, by sending the mail to each other. I tried changing the time on the server A, so that it sends the mail with a timestamp from the past. Of course i get a connection timeout (makes sense why) when trying to send it. Any other ideas? Or how can i fix the problem?


Posted 2017-10-13T20:19:18.620

Reputation: 23

Side note: it magically worked again. But the time, which is displayed by the receiving client, matches the sender's client time. How can i change that time without modifying the client's device's time? Clients and devices tested: Ubuntu with Thunderbird, Android with standart-samsung-email-client – KaitoCross – 2017-10-13T22:52:37.783

It's on and off. sometimes i can connect to it when the date is set back, sometimes i can't. – KaitoCross – 2017-10-13T23:08:09.880

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