AMD Ryzen 1600x for gaming in 1440 x 900


I want to build a PC for casual gaming. Here is my list:

CPU: AMD Ryzen 1600x RAM: Two DDR-4 Ram Modules ( 2400 MHZ )

Do I need to buy a graphic card or Ryzen 1600x has a built-in one?

Ali Bahraminezhad

Posted 2017-09-01T11:20:52.073

Reputation: 109

Current desktop Ryzen processors do not have an integrated graphics processor. A discrete graphics card is required. – bwDraco – 2017-10-31T04:27:10.503



Ryzen 1600X is not an APU, hence it does not have a GPU in it.

Edit: found a clear marker, the APU family will be branded Ryzen Mobile. Source:


Posted 2017-09-01T11:20:52.073

Reputation: 683

I can add a link to AMDs website, but I don't know where it is clearly stated there. The fact is that it's a CPU, not an APU. – Elias – 2017-09-01T12:50:54.070


I am almost certain that it ultimately depends on your choice of AM4 socket boards to put that CPU onto, but, Yes, you will need a graphics card.

Attilla Dehun

Posted 2017-09-01T11:20:52.073

Reputation: 1