How can I scan the local network for connected devices? (Mac OS)



I'm basically looking for something like this but available on Mac.

I am trying to connect a new workstation to our wireless multifunction printer and I'm having a hell of a time getting the device to spit out an IP for me to connect to.

Is there a way I can scan the network somehow?

If it makes a difference, the new workstation is using Mac OS X 10.6.


Posted 15 years ago

Reputation: 5 157



  1. Ping the broadcast address
    (you can find it with ifconfig | grep broadcast)

  2. and then do an arp -a

Hasaan Chop

Posted 15 years ago

Reputation: 4 224

13Can someone explain why/how this works? You ping the broadcast and this causes all the other connected clients to commit network activity which is then visible to arp ?? – deweydb – 10 years ago

24Best answer. You can do it one line too: ifconfig | grep broadcast | arp -a – Codeversed – 10 years ago

Best answer because it required no software download. Thanks, NSD :) – macek – 15 years ago

2@deweydb when you're on LAN, connecting to an IP involves resolving the IP into a mac address. ARP keeps a cache of all resolved IP addresses. Doing a broadcast ping indirectly triggers a resolution for all IPs on the network. Now... how can we resolve the list of IPs into DNS (or other) names? – Rolf – 8 years ago

2I use: arp -a | grep -v '^?' under Macosx. – Mirko Ebert – 8 years ago

What do the ? ( at <incomplete> on eth0 mean? there is nothing (and AFAIK there has never been) anything on my lan at that address – Gaia – 6 years ago

2Great tip.. I filtered out the results to only show the ip's that are not incomplete (and are present) with..

arp -a | grep : – Jas Panesar – 12 years ago


Where x.x.x is the first three numbers in your ip address.

for ip in $(seq 1 254); do ping -c 1 x.x.x.$ip -o ConnectTimeout=5; [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "x.x.x.$ip UP" || : ; done


Posted 15 years ago

Reputation: 196

Right. First of all, x.x.x only works for netmasks that are /24(=0xffffff00). One should verify this using ifconfig. Second of all, this takes 21 minutes to run serially. Can do this in parallel by terminating the for loop using & instead of ;. On MacOS, this looks like: for ip in $(seq 1 254); do ping -c 1 -t5 192.168.1.$ip > /dev/null ; [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "x.x.x.$ip UP" || : & done

– ijoseph – 5 years ago

3On a Mac here, had to slightly adjust your answer as the timeout is set using the -t option (for instance -t 5 for a 5 seconds timeout) – pabuisson – 12 years ago

1Right, that also didn't work for me. On the Mac you not only need to use the -t 5 option, but also move it to be before the ip. i.e. -c 1 -t 5 x.x.x.$ip. Otherwise it'll error and bomb out. – Matt H – 11 years ago


Single Line Answer: [Use NMAP] or Angry IP Scanner


Posted 15 years ago

Reputation: 1 248


The Angry IP Scanner download link has changed. Better just to use the domain address:

– user3439894 – 7 years ago


Your printer provides a file share for dropping files into or are you just trying to locate the printer on your network?

Does your new multifunction printer support Bonjour/ZeroConf? (Most new network based printers do) If so you can use a program such as Bonjour Browser to see what is available on your network.

On your router does it appear on the DHCP Clients Table (you may have to consult your manual to see how to see this table) - as this will also give you the IP but will also let you know for certain that your printer is actually connected to your network.

From your Mac itself you can use a program such as Nmap from the command line or use a GUI based app (eg. Zenmap - GUI for Nmap or AngryIPScanner) to scan your network and then see what ports are available.


Posted 15 years ago

Reputation: 22 932

1To add to @Chealion's answer, if your printer supports Bonjour, you should see it in the "Nearby printers" list on the "Printer" pop-up menu of the "File > Print..." dialog sheet, or in the printer browser you see when you go to "Add Printer...".

So many multifuction printers from the major manufacturers support Bonjour nowadays, that I'm surprised when a printer doesn't just automatically show up on those places I mentioned. – Spiff – 15 years ago


NMAP [nmap] is your best friend for all sorts of network devices scans. Use Zenmap if you need GUI [zenmap].

Assuming your local network is (where 24 means netmask this will give you online hosts with their IP and MAC addresses:

nmap -sP

You can download the package from project website or build yourself from sources with MacPorts [macports]. Enjoy! :-)





Posted 15 years ago

Reputation: 51


Fing (mostly known as a mobile network scanner for android/ios) has a freely available macos console version which additionally does some fingerprinting via built-in mac address manufacturer tables. It appears to be faster than nmap and easier to use.

Once installed you can run it with:

sudo fing

It is apparently closed source so I don't know how safe it is to use. Make sure you are aware of potential risks.

Also available as a homebrew cask:

brew cask install fing


Posted 15 years ago

Reputation: 5 372



$ for ip in $(seq 1 254); do ping -c 1 192.168.0.$ip; done


$ for ip in $(seq 1 254); do ping -c 1 192.168.0.$ip -W 1; done


loop from 1 till 254
on each loop ping the ip one after another, to skip press CTRL + C
on each loop -W 1 means auto skip after 1 second


Posted 15 years ago

Reputation: 1 399


On the Mac, there is IP Scanner, which looks has a GUI that aggregates arp, bonjour, NBT and some other network scanning technologies.

ecume des jours

Posted 15 years ago

Reputation: 121

6IP Scanner is useless as it has a 6 device limit, then they want $30. Avoid this. – JohnnyVegas – 10 years ago

7Hi! Per the [FAQ], please disclose any affiliation with products you recommend. And please don't let that be the only reason you're on Super User—otherwise your posts may be considered spam. – slhck – 12 years ago