What is the default PATH environment variable setting on fresh install of Windows 7



A user of ours cleared their path, thanks to some directions on the internet.

What is the default path, I am a developer so I have tons of extra stuff in mine, what should my user get on a plain jane one?


Posted 2010-03-25T23:37:02.293

Reputation: 546

this one http://superuser.com/questions/193368/what-are-default-system-path-settings-on-windows-7-64bit (at risk of being closed as a duplicate) says %CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ i.e. it mentions a WindowsLive directory

– barlop – 2016-09-23T05:28:56.890

Related: If it's not too late to try to restore it from a backup, you can https://superuser.com/questions/523688/how-to-restore-the-path-environment-variable-i-deleted

– geekley – 2019-10-10T23:02:53.843



According to this MVP, on Vista it was:


I would assume the same for Windows 7. I also have \Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ as one of my first entries so you might want to add it as well since PowerShell was shipped with Windows 7.


Posted 2010-03-25T23:37:02.293

Reputation: 54 755

this pretty much covered the bases – DevelopingChris – 2010-03-27T16:47:47.493

this one you were keen to close http://superuser.com/questions/193368/what-are-default-system-path-settings-on-windows-7-64bit has a slightly different one to the one you state, e.g. it has a WindowsLive directory, though you didn't give any critique of it

– barlop – 2016-09-23T05:30:46.627

3PowerShell path is included in default system path in W7 – climenole – 2012-07-30T17:18:33.550


I just finished installing Windows 7 Enterprise SP1-U (x64 English) in a virtual machine. I can certify the following as the default Path environment variables. Note that I haven't installed anything (not even the "additions", "drivers", or "tools") into the virtual machine.

Default system Path environment variable (the inconsistent capitalization is as-is):


There is no default user Path environment variable (i.e., no such variable was set).


Posted 2010-03-25T23:37:02.293

Reputation: 321


Sorry, mine's no longer "plain jane" but I've removed the obvious added items (this is on 64 bit, remove the (x86) bits if you're on 32):



Posted 2010-03-25T23:37:02.293

Reputation: 5 011

1I'm not gonna -1 cuz at least you answered, most people brushed by and didn't bother to copy their var and just paste it in an answer, +1 for effort. – DevelopingChris – 2010-03-27T16:48:49.223


There's really no such thing as a default Path; it changes as software and devices are installed/tremoved. However, at a bare minimum, your Path should contain:


Arman Rezakhani

Posted 2010-03-25T23:37:02.293

Reputation: 27