What are default system path settings on Windows 7 64bit?


Possible Duplicate:
What is the default PATH environment variable setting on fresh install of Windows 7

It seems that my PATH settings were deleted by some program (it currently has only entries for Digital Mars D utilities), so I'm asking what directories are included in path by default? Even the most basic things such as tracert or ping are not working for me.


Posted 2010-09-27T18:08:28.910

Reputation: 16 459

Question was closed 2010-09-27T20:51:46.847

the answer for this one mentions WindowsLive, which rightly or wrongly, isn't mentioned in the one it says tihs is a duplicate of – barlop – 2016-09-23T05:28:00.513

@heavyd Looks like it is. I'm voting to close this one. – AndrejaKo – 2010-09-27T20:28:30.383



I have:

%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\


Posted 2010-09-27T18:08:28.910


A fresh Windows installation does not have %CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live. – Gras Double – 2017-08-19T14:39:52.423


See the Windows 7 column in Default Values on Microsoft Windows.

Mehper C. Palavuzlar

Posted 2010-09-27T18:08:28.910

Reputation: 51 093

they don't specify whether powershell is there or not in the PATH, and if anything it suggests it's not there by default, when quite likely it is. – barlop – 2016-09-23T05:17:26.767

I don't think this actually answers the question. It might show the default values for the variable names, but it doesn't show what the default PATH settings are. – None – 2010-09-27T20:23:38.297

In the table, %PATH% and %PSModulePath% rows specify the default PATH settings. – Mehper C. Palavuzlar – 2010-09-27T20:28:46.733