Suddenly getting "Server refused our key" error on amazon linux for ec2-user


Today all of a sudden I am not able to SSH into my AWS linux instance using ec2-user as username.

I was able to do it yesterday.

I have searched for this and found that all things are in place, Security group, Key etc.

Getting this error.

login as: ec2-user Server refused our key ec2-user@XX.XX.XX.XXX's password:

I am confident that I am using the correct username, private key and IP-address.

FYI: The server allows password authentication as well, because we have one user per domain. That helps us to provide restricted access to developers who is managing specific websites.

I am using windows 7 and putty tool to connect to server.

I have also tried this and this, but getting same error. Seems my problem is different as I have not lost the key.

Since this is the root user. How can I recover access?

Amol Chakane

Posted 2017-08-15T11:58:08.680

Reputation: 111

1Start to run ssh with -vvv to get additional information. It usually gives a clue as to what the problem might be. – Magnus – 2017-08-15T12:11:15.737

Have you broken the key on your side or just use incorrect filename of the key? – Putnik – 2017-08-15T22:32:59.740

@Magnus: I am not sure about how to use -vvv in putty. Can you please elaborate? – Amol Chakane – 2017-08-17T10:57:27.050

@Putnik: No I haven't broken the key and I am sure that I am using the correct filename. – Amol Chakane – 2017-08-17T10:58:43.837

Just add it as an argument to the ssh command. Like 'ssh -vvv user@server' – Magnus – 2017-08-17T10:59:38.673

@Magnus: In putty there is no terminal, so I cannot do that. – Amol Chakane – 2017-08-17T11:08:07.113

Aha, missed that you were using putty. Try enabling the session log under Session -> Logging. – Magnus – 2017-08-17T13:04:32.493

@Magnus: I enabled logging in putty. It logs same error as mentioned in my question. i.e. login as: ec2-user Server refused our key ec2-user@XX.XX.XX.XXX's password: Do I need to choose any specific options under logging? – Amol Chakane – 2017-08-18T13:22:42.707

If you can, check the access right of the ~/.ssh directory and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the server. They should be 700 and 600 and owned by ec2-user. – Magnus – 2017-08-18T13:31:52.990

Also check /var/log/auth.log for clues on the server – Magnus – 2017-08-18T13:32:25.300

@Magnus: Provided 700 to ~/.ssh and 600 to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys but still getting same error. And there is no such file /var/log/auth.log – Amol Chakane – 2017-08-22T11:10:29.250

@Magnus: My bad, my home folder was mounted on another EBS volume and I was trying every solution on root volume. Now I resolved the issue. Thanks a ton for your guidance. – Amol Chakane – 2017-08-22T13:38:29.047

@AmolChakane I am facing same issue since yesterday, And the only change I did, I changed the permission of /home/centos since I wanted to view some files inside .aws directoty. Now I want to revert those permissions, since I am not able to login using putty, so how Can I change the permission of this directory. I am not able to do this using FileZilla also. – Soft Kaka – 2019-01-15T07:53:43.993

@AndroidDev Check the comments, Magnus' comment dated Aug 18 '17 at 13:31 helped me. – Amol Chakane – 2019-01-15T11:18:02.760

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