Is there a way to read live SMART readings from a server and report on a different computer?


I have a server located in an awkward place in my house and i would like to know if there is a software which can report SMART statistics but to another computer. I know there's existing software like speedfan and HDDTune but neither posses the ability to actually send live SMART stats to another machine on the network. Basically i have a screen screwed into my wall which reports various stats such as lighting and heating. I would now like it to display my a live feed of my server's SMART stats. Thanks.


Posted 2017-07-29T18:46:54.973

Reputation: 11



I would now like it to display my a live feed of my server's SMART stats

You may be able to achieve this using smartd (part of smartmontools):

smartd is a daemon that monitors the Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART) system built into most ATA/SATA and SCSI/SAS hard drives and solid-state drives.


In addition to logging to a file, smartd can also be configured to send email warnings if problems are detected.

Source smartd

You may be able to do sometting with either the logfile or the email to generate a live feed.

smartmontools (and smartd) is available for a variety of operating systems:

It should run on any modern Darwin (Mac OS X), Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, OS/2, Cygwin, QNX, eComStation or Windows system.

Source smartmontools


Posted 2017-07-29T18:46:54.973

Reputation: 118 938