How do I use the Consolas font in the Windows XP command prompt?



How? I can see only two options in the properties dialog: "Lucida Console" and "Raster Fonts". Is there any way to switch to Consolas (short of replacing the Lucida TTF file with the Consolas TTF file)?

Agnel Kurian

Posted 2010-03-22T17:35:00.047

Reputation: 2 197



Scott Hanselman had a post on exactly that topic Using Consolas as Windows Console Font. Also here.

alt text


Posted 2010-03-22T17:35:00.047

Reputation: 21 622

7For those too lazy to click: Fire up regedit and add a REG_SZ value to HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Console/TrueTypeFont with the name 00 and the value Consolas. Then reboot. – fretje – 2010-03-22T20:35:15.203