Match with interval


I have this table

enter image description here

I have to get the index of column which has the interval that contains 165 (Tier 2). For example

165 -> Tier 2

15 -> Tier 0


I tried to split the text interval in MIN and MAX

MIN: =LEFT(B3; FIND("-";B3)-1)

MAX: =IF(RIGHT(B3;LEN(B3)-FIND("-";B3))="";1E+99;RIGHT(B3;LEN(B3)-FIND("-";B3)))

But now I don't know how to use the Match() function. I can't change the structure of the table. I can only use a formula.


Posted 2017-06-05T15:40:54.263

Reputation: 135



Use a formula like below:


With your local settings, change the , to ;:


![enter image description here

The inner INDEX returns an array of the first numbers: 1,20,150. The Match then returns where the value 165 lands in that array and returns the relative column number to the INDEX.

Scott Craner

Posted 2017-06-05T15:40:54.263

Reputation: 16 128