gpg: xxxx: skipped: public key not found


I'm getting this error:

gpg: xxxx: skipped: public key not found gpg: [stdin]: encryption failed: public key not found

I'm using this code:

IEncryptionService encryptionService = new EncryptionService(@"C:\GNU\GnuPG\gpg.exe"); 
var encryptedFile = encryptionService.EncryptFile("xxxx", @"D:\application\" + NewFileName + ".GFM", @"D:\GPGFILE\" + NewFileName + ".GPG"); 

I would appreciate any guidance, advice, or assistance in helping me get this resolved.

J'ai Zarini

Posted 2017-04-11T04:23:01.553

Reputation: 31

put all keys like pubring, secring and in the C:\GNU\GnuPG\'s really work – J'ai Zarini – 2017-04-11T09:23:34.957

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