I have two virtual machines in VirtualBox. I would like to do networking between them. For the moment I have the default configuration on both, but they seem to have the same IP-address
. I would also like to be able to use Internet with both, and that is Possible now.
By default the network-setting is NAT, but it seems like they cannot network internally since they have the same IP. But If I change to internal networking
I guess that I cannot access Internet with the virtual machines.
How can I set up networking between virtual guest AND have access to Internet on them?
The link in the previous comment didn't work for me, this appears to be the correct one: http://blog.techprognosis.com/how-to-enable-dhcp-in-virtualbox-4/
– Nicola Musatti – 10 years ago1Thanks, that's right. Internal Networking is working but doesn't come with DHCP so I tried the Bridged solution and that works fine. Thanks. – Jonas – 15 years ago
This didn't work for me until I set it a static IP. – VaTo – 9 years ago
internal networking works, but both machines lose connectivity to internet. – pwned – 8 years ago
2http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch08.html#vboxmanage-dhcpserver – Joe Internet – 14 years ago
@Joe Internet your link is OK, but I only understood it after reading http://blog.techprognosis.com/2011/02/28/how-to-enable-dhcp-in-virtualbox-4.html. That said, I got the internal network running. I was not able to select host-only or bridged mode because suitable adapters are missing.
– bernd_k – 13 years ago